Porn gay muscle men

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He was directed by Durk Dehner in The Wild Ones (1994), produced by Tom of Finland Company, and appeared in several film by Jack Fritscher that where focused on bodybuilders. Gay porn actor įrom 1994, Duffy worked in the gay porn industry under the pseudonym Bull Stanton, and became a first widely acclaimed bodybuilder to appear in gay pornography. ĭuring the early 1990s, Duffy was a cover model, and some of his photographs were used in the Muscle & Fitness magazine. Duffy would go on to compete in many bodybuilding contests, and placed fifth in the 2002 Mr. The same year he was awarded the silver medal at another nationwide contest-the NPC USA Championships. His greatest achievement came in 1992 when he won the NPC Nationals in the heavyweight division-becoming the US national bodybuilding champion and obtaining the NPC Professional League card.

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Three years later he placed first among heavyweights in the Los Angeles Championships, where he was also given the gold medal for the overall winner. In 1984, Duffy became the overall winner of the NPC Southern States bodybuilding championships. Duffy's idol was bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. Duffy was an All-American in high-school football, and started to train as a bodybuilder during his teen years.

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